Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Monday, November 19, 2012 (9:13 a.m.)
Most Incredibly, Awesome Wonderful Father God,
You amaze me! Every single day I get to wake up and be reminded of “how much You loved the world” (John 3:16 The Message).
(12:13 p.m.)
Three hours have passed and I still can't get my head around being loved by You so much. You gave Your only Son that all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. The Complete Jewish Bible says it this way, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.”
That's a LOT of love, Dearest Father. A whole lot of love that too often gets squandered and taken for granted. Father God, thank You for the work You continually do in us bringing us closer to Your Truth and our future with You.
Blessed Father, as I continue searching Your Word the idea of eternity seems just beyond my grasp. I think I start to understand the concept and then it flits away.
A 'Theology in Brief' entitled Life in Illustrated Bible Handbook says, “From God we receive love, joy, peace, goodness, and gentleness. These take root in our lives and gradually transform our experience on earth (Galatians 5:22,23). Yes, eternal life is a promise of an eternity in heaven. But eternal life is something we receive now. It holds out the promise of a rich new experience for you and me here on earth as well.” I absolutely am experiencing this in my life. I see the changes of who I was when I first began my walk with You and who I am today. It is all and only because of the love You have for each of us that I get to be a new and different person than I was before. Thank You Father.
Thank You that as this section of studying Your nature continues it adds, “To understand the real meaning of eternal life, the Bible invites us to look at Jesus. In His personality, His love, and His compassion, we see the kind of person God will enable you and me to become. In Jesus' resurrection we see power for our new life – power to break through whatever holds us back, and lead us triumphantly toward an eternity we will spend in the presence and in the image of our God.” Here again is where I begin to wonder, do You mean right here and now Blessed Father? I get this kind of power and freedom on THIS side of eternity with You?
While I don't yet understand, still I thank and praise You. Thank You for loving me as part of the world. Thank You for changing me more into Your likeness every day. Thank You for all the work You have left to do. Teach me to spend my days here in willing preparation for eternity. I love You so very much and I thank You that much more. Thank You Father. Amen.
(517 words ~ 1:28 p.m.)

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