Wednesday, February 1, 2012

small beginnings

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 (6:01 a.m.)

Hallelujah Jesus!

Thank You. Bless You. Praise You. Predawn thoughts are confirmed here in Your Word. And I am grateful Blessed Jesus.

I have asked You to work in my life all these years. And now that You have been, as You have all along, I have done little more than complain about the pain of Your work.

As I began stirring this morning, thinking of ways to do different things, I remembered words I have shared often with friends who are undertaking difficult tasks. These are words that are true and filled with hope.

Beloved Jesus, thank You for reminding me that You truly ARE working deep inside of me. Truly changing me from the inside out!

I sit here and read. I smile and nod. I believe Your Word to be Truth. I trust that Your plan for my life is good. And again I am grateful. AGOG. Another gift of gratitude, thank You Jesus.

I look outside my window and am presented with another glimpse of glory. Such beauty keeps unfolding. Colors are being added to the sky one at a time. The intensity ratcheted up with each click of the clock. Glorious. Beautiful. Magnificent. And again I am filled with gratefulness. Thank You Jesus.

I would like to stamp your call to me this morning somewhere that I would see it every single time I start to get discouraged. In turning to Zechariah 4:10, where the verse is spelled out, I read about the disappointment Your people faced at the task of rebuilding Your temple.

Is that not what I am attempting to do myself? Rebuild this body that is the temple of Your Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 6:19). The very same one I have neglected and ignored all these years?

Thank You Jesus. The Life Recovery Bible describes the book of Zechariah as “an account of rebuilding and recovery.” Your Word is a gold mine Blessed Lord Jesus. One Truth leading to another.

Just as it did this morning as I recognized the words that led me here in the first place. “Do not despise these small beginnings”. It was only after I got here that I saw more to this verse “for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”

I couldn’t help but notice Most Blessed One, it does NOT say anything about that plumb line being in my own hand. Thank You for the reminder that this rebuilding of my body is going to take time and I am not to despise any aspect of it.

I love You Blessed Jesus. I long to follow Your plan for my recovery. The one that gives me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). I’ve already given You full authority in my life. Your Father, the Gardner has the power to ‘lop off every branch that doesn’t produce and to prune those branches that bear fruit for even larger crops’ (John 15:2).

Fruit doesn’t happen overnight. And neither does the rebuilding of Your temple. Thank You for Your ever present patience in reminding me that I am not to despise these small beginnings! Yet another way of telling me to stop being so hard on myself. Thank You Jesus. Help me learn this in my very core.

I love You Jesus. Continue Your rebuilding in me. I pray in Your name. Amen.

(571 words ~ 7:17 a.m.)

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