Saturday, August 3, 2019

a glad heart

Saturday, August 3, 2019 (5:51 a.m.)
Blessed God and Father,

I am here because I want to be. Not because I’m supposed to. Nor because I have nothing else to do. This morning You are First because I want You to be. I need You to be the One to Whom I turn.

Holy God, I’ve been making mistakes. Big ones. Mean. Impatient. Unkind. Not gentle. Forgive me Father. Help me. I need You. I want You. I ask You. Change me please.

I have tears. Inside as well as out. And this is where thankfulness finally enters in. Thank You Father.

Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for songs that have emerged because of Your Word.

First one this morning was ♪Holy Spirit You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere…♪ That is exactly what I came out here singing.

I’m confessing to You right now Father what You have always known. I’m a mess. A wreck. Hanging by a thread. There are so many mistakes I have made. So many things for which I need Your forgiveness. As well as that from others.

Lord God, You have been witness to my arrogance. To the “my way or the highway” approach I have taken over the years. Dating back decades. I feel ashamed Lord. Embarrassed by my cockiness. Forgive me. Please ‘remove my rebellious acts as far away from me as the east is from the west’ (Psalm103:12).

“When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth. He will not be presenting His own ideas; He will be telling you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future” (John 16:13).

Oh look at this! Illustrated Bible Handbook. “The Work of the Holy Spirit; 16:5-16. Jesus is the One in Whom the Bible’s teaching about sin, righteousness, and judgment all come together. It is the Spirit who deals with these issues, presenting Christ to the world and convicting those who will not believe. The Spirit also is at work for believers. He is the living Voice of Jesus to us, who guides us into an experience of God’s Truth.”

♪Holy Spirit You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere♪ Yes. Please!

And now that other song that swelled as I poured out my heart to You earlier. ♪Anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down… But a good word makes it glad (Proverbs 12:25)… A joyful heart makes a cheerful face… But when the heart is sad the spirit is broken (Proverbs 15:13)♪

God, Your Word is absolute Truth! I look to You to gladden my heart. Set this day to Your rhythm. Sing Your Truth to my soul that I would be completely joyful. With a genuinely cheerful face.

I love You Father. I need You. And I ask You with all that I am to get me out of Your way that You can work in, with, by, through and for me. Thank You Father. Praise You. I love You. Amen.
(524 words ~ 7:38 a.m.)

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