Sunday, May 24, 2015


Sunday, May 24, 2015 (6:46 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

How I thank You for the opportunity of coming before You asking You to teach me more about acceptance. I love You. I appreciate Your willingness to work in, with, by, for and through each of us. You are good. Blessed. Holy.

Thank You that there is never a time that we are to hesitate coming to You. I don't have to love enough. Be enough. Know enough. Try enough. I just get to come. Asking to be taught.

This morning three different sections of Scripture are speaking to me. Psalm 19:11-14. Ecclesiastes 5:18-20. And Matthew 11:28-30. I read each. Hoping. Delighting. Wanting to know You more.

The Message tells us, “God's Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between emeralds. You'll like it better than strawberries in spring, better than red, ripe strawberries” (Psalm 19:10). Mm... I believe that!

“There's more: God's Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure. Otherwise how will we find our way? Or know when we play the fool?” (vs.11-12a). How indeed?

“Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over Your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin” (12b-13). How blessed we are to be able to approach You with such honesty!

“These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew on and pray. Accept them when I place them on the morning altar, O God, my Altar-Rock, God, Priest-of-My-Altar” (14). Thank You God that You ARE our Altar-Rock! Thank You for these words of the Psalmist.

The Life Recovery Bible comments, “Adhering to God's laws will produce wholeness in our life. Applying God's Truth revives our inner being and gives insight – even to the least of us – into how we should live. His Word is not a burden that robs us of the good things of life (Matthew 11:29-30). Instead, it transforms us and replaces our discouragement with joy.”

Blessed Father, how I thank You for the Truth I find in You Word! Encouraging Truth!

“Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light'” (Matthew 11:28-30).

I trust that. Believe it. Hope it. Want it.

Mm, and now thoughts from the Preacher/Teacher (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 The Message). “[Make the Most of What God Gives] After looking at the way things are on this earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that's about it. That's the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what's given and delighting in the work. It's God's gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now. It's useless to brood over how long we might live.”

And The Life Recovery Bible? “Here we see an alternative to materialism: Celebrate the beauty of God's gift of life and its simple pleasures. Being healthy and content with what we have are gifts from God... The celebration and enjoyment of life are extremely important. The process of recovery is often very painful. We need to take the time to enjoy life's simple pleasures to gain strength for the battles we face.”

Thank You Father, that we have You, Your Son, Your Word to turn to every single time we have need of acceptance. Whether it be accepting things we cannot change or being accepted for who and what and all we are.

Oh how I love and thank You. Work with us again this day. Making us into all You would have us be. We love You. We want You. And we thank You. So much. Amen.
(706 words ~ 7:50 a.m.)

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