Wednesday, July 30, 2014

blessings nonetheless

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 (8:19 a.m.)
Good morning.

Hi God,

It's been such a long while. So much has happened. And still what comes most readily to my mind and lips is, “Thank You God!”

Thank You for the blessings You so freely give us. Blessings often disguised. Unrecognized. Ah, but blessings nonetheless.

There's been childcare. A broken toe. Miscommunications. Health scares. Unexpected guests. Joyful invitations. Blessings all. In one way or another, blessings in there somewhere.

Father God, how I thank You. At times it's easier than others. Occasionally it is unreservedly. Completely. Without much hesitation. At others, I must confess I have to think about it. It may take awhile, but in doing so I find where we have been or are currently being blessed.

The biggest blessing for me this past week was in once again being reminded of the power of Jesus' words. In the sermon I heard on Sunday I felt myself included in a question He asked His disciples, “But what about you? Who do YOU say I am?” (Mark 8:29a).

I immediately sat up and took notice. I've asked myself repeatedly, “Who do I say You are?”

Thank You for including me. Thank You for again providing me with the ultimate in comforting words and Truth. Much later in the sermon I was challenged to “Live by faith – not fear”. Reminded that Jesus is the Christ. The Son of the Living God, who raises the dead.

And then, right there at the very end of the lesson “Jesus, the Son of God” (The Story, Chapter 25) were words I have wanted to live my life on for years. Matthew 14:27 (New Living Translation), “But Jesus spoke to them at once. 'It's all right,' He said. 'I am here! Don't be afraid.'”

What would it be like to truly believe that? To actually live my decisions and actions, thoughts and who I am to the very core based on You being here with me. To take courage. Be of good cheer. Calm down. Not worry or be afraid. To truly be brave! Take heart. Hope. Cheer up. Be glad.

All these ways of saying the same thing. The Voice says it very simply, “Be still. It is I. You have nothing to fear.”

Jesus, I am here asking You to make it so! Continue the work You must do in me so that I can truly live each moment in faith not fear.

I love You so. My Savior. Protector. Deliverer. Friend. Companion. Biggest Brother. All I need in this world and the next. My Life. Redeemer. Hope. Just a beginning of who I say You are.

I love You. I thank You. And I ask You to help me live this day glorifying and enjoying “Our Father, who arts in Heaven...”

Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(477 words ~ 10:28 a.m.)

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