Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 (7:22 a.m.)
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Awesome Holy God,

Thank You for snow. Beautiful looking snow.

This morning I am asking for Your safety. There is a car ride scheduled. We are to go down the hill and then come right back up. Seems easy enough. How I ask that You would be in every single detail of this plan.

change in plans

Tuesday, December 30, 2014 (7:10 a.m.)
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Blessed God,

Thank You for Your goodness and Your grace. Thank You for another change in plans. Thank You for Your blessings and Your love. Thank You. Thank You.

Monday, December 29, 2014


Monday, December 29, 2014 (8:37 a.m.)
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Holy Father,

Thank You. Thank You for a safe trip up the hill. Thank You for combining our efforts in getting us here. Thank You for the plans YOU have for us next year. Thank You that we know You well enough to trust You. No questions asked... yet.

Hmm, yes, thanking You.
(10:13 a.m.)
Holding on to Your Word and Your promises.

Thank You that I get to come to Jesus' very own words to His disciples (John 15). With everything He spoke and taught, His command to “love each other in the same way I love you” (v. 12) is paramount. Abiding in Him (v. 4) is the only way we are able to come near to accomplishing such a feat.

Father, thank You for Your Son. Thank You for His love. Thank You that it was His desire for His joy to be complete in each of us (v. 11). The New Living Translation tells us, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

Mm. Overflowing joy. Full. Complete. Glad always. Delight. Ultimate satisfaction. How? Remaining in Jesus. Obeying His commands. Loving one another.

Do in and with each of us all that You must so we would truly become the joyous, joy-filled people You have for us to be. We love You Father. We thank You. And we ask all this in Your Son's most precious name. Thank You. Amen.
(259 words ~ 10: 57 a.m.)

seeking joy

Saturday, December 27, 2014 (8:28 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,

I'm here seeking Your teachings on joy.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Isaiah's prophecy

Christmas Morning ~ Thursday, December 25, 2014 (6:43 a.m.)

Blessed Father,

Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday, Jesus. Feliz Navidad. Joyeux Noel. Buon Natale... While my pronunciation leaves a lot to be desired, YOU do not!

You came to fulfill Isaiah's prophecy. You came as Christ, the Son; as well as God, the Father (Isaiah 9:6). Concepts hard for us to grasp. You came to bring peace and to rule forever (v. 7). You came for us.

Thank You.
(8:02 a.m.)

The word “joy” keeps coming up this morning. Joyeux. Joyous. Rejoice. We, collectively, want to live joyously. We look to You.

On this holiest of birthdays, we ask You to teach us to truly look for the joy to be found in each day. Remind us always of Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

The Life Recovery Bible's Serenity Prayer devotional for Matthew 6:25-34 calls us to live “one day at a time”. Citing the above verses, as well as Lamentations 3:22-23 the very last line is what I long to take away with me. “We, too, can choose to find joy, strength, and sanity when we accept each day's realities.”

Mm, yes. Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday. Joyeux Noel. Teach us to celebrate You daily. Thank You. We love You and long to serve You well. Thank You for coming and fulfilling Isaiah's prophecy. Amen.

(237 words ~ 8:28 a.m.)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

divine discipline

Christmas Eve ~ Wednesday, December 24, 2014 (5:14 a.m.)

Blessed Father God,

Thank You. Thank You for the gifts You have given us this Advent Season. Gifts of communication. Patience. Understanding. Learning. Moderation. With even a little bit of discipline thrown in on the side.

Wow! It hasn't come easy. Oh, but there is joy and peace in my heart. There's contentment. Solace. And more joy. Thank You Father. Thank You for the courage to stay Your course toward change.

Traditions are markedly different this year. Preparations equally so. Thank You. Thank You for all You are teaching us concerning what really matters. People matter! Thank You for ingraining that Truth deeply within us.

Holy Father, I love You. I love that we have Your Word to come to. I'm getting to read Hebrews 12:5-11 in The Life Recovery Bible and be reminded again of Your great love for each of us.

A RECOVERY PRINCIPLE DEVOTIONAL for this section of Scripture is entitled simply “Faith”. It reminds us that recovery can be very painful. As it stresses Your love throughout its entirety, it also expands on the Truth of verse 11.

Reminding us first that “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it is painful. But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way”, it then continues:

Recovery is a time of correction, a time of facing problems and character flaws and changing incorrect beliefs. There may be seasons when we do have to pay for our past. God will use these times to redirect our life toward something better. His correction isn't arbitrary or abusive, but it is still painful.”

It is believing Your Word to be holy and true that keeps me coming to It with every problem we come across.

Knowing that God's discipline demonstrates His love for us can be comforting in the midst of pain. It helps us remember that His love will allow only that which is for our ultimate good.”

Blessed Father, I confess, that is something I have to remind myself to do. Thank You that You love us enough to keep reminding us.

Verse seven, “As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as His own children.” Mm. Yes. Thank You!

Thank You that right now we are able to experience that “quiet harvest” of which verse eleven speaks. We worked hard to pull out the weeds of discontent because You provide us with the tools we need.

Thank You Father. Let us take all we've learned during this Advent Season and truly celebrate the birth of Your precious Son these next Twelve Days of Christmas.

Thank You Blessed Father. Use us to Your good and to Your glory. We love You so very much. May Your holy name be praised. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(484 ~ 6:34 a.m.)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Tuesday, December 23, 2014 (6:47 a.m.)
Holiest, Most Awesome God,

Thank You! You provide us with blessings. Surround us with love. Infuse us with strength. Your strength. Your love. Your blessings.

Thank You Father that all we have is Yours. You share so generously with us, Your needy people.

The holiday songs that sing loudest in my mind right now have so very little to do with You. Holly, snow, mistletoe, turkeys... While the tunes are definitely catchy, we need more substance. Permanence. Adoration.

Thank You Blessed Father that there is such a vast distinction between the songs of this world and those Your angels sing.

Thank You that every time we remember You in the midst of this often hectic season, You again infuse us with Your strength. Power. Love.

We are blessed. And we long to share Your blessings with a hurting world. Work in us. Through us. By us. For us. With us. Make us into the people You would have us be.

According to The Message, two sections of Scripture mention being infused with Your strength. One in the Old Testament, the other in the New.

Hannah rejoiced in her prayer of praise to You (1 Samuel 2: 1-10). And Paul encouraged the believers in Thessalonica to continue trusting You. He also reassured them of Christ's return. It's Paul's words (1 Thessalonians 3:11-13) I ask You to instill in me this day.

“May God our Father Himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all His followers.” 

Yes, please. Make it so that I would live a life of Your love. I love You Father. I thank You. Use me well this day. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(337 words ~ 8:18 a.m.)

Monday, December 22, 2014

most important

Monday, December 22, 2014 (5:56 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,

Good morning. Would You speak with me this morning about priorities? Maybe even list making? There's more to get done than I think possible. I would desperately like my will to better line up with Yours for me.

Let's see... I love You. I want that to show through . Plainly. Clearly. Loudly. I love you! Yes. Let the things that may [or may not] go on the list of things to be done this week reflect that You, Yourself, are Who and What is most important in our lives.

Isn't it interesting that the three results (Matthew 22:34-36; 37-40; Mark 12:28) I got on my initial search of Scripture bearing “most important” all deal with loving You. First and foremost.

Thank You Father. Thank You for reminding me of the obvious. I like the way The Message presents Jesus' words on the subject.

“'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.' These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them” (Matthew 22:37-40).

The comment in The Life Recovery Bible spells out living our lives for You. “To simplify our priorities, Jesus narrowed the six hundred-plus regulations of the law of Moses into two foundational commandments: Love God with everything we are and have; love our neighbors as ourself. To do these is to obey every other law.”

It goes on speaking of us not wanting to do anything to disgrace You or make You angry. As well as making ourselves aware of the pain we inadvertently cause others with careless choices.

Father, I am asking Your presence with me throughout every moment of this day. Line me up to make good decisions. Provide me the clear thinking and energy needed to progress as You wish.

I love You. I want that to be seen. First. Foremost. Forever. Thank You Father. I Love You. Amen.
(356 words ~ 6:37 a.m.)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

all because

Sunday, December 21, 2014 (6:21 a.m.)

Holy, Most Awesome God and Father,

Again, thank You! Things are getting done around here. Progress is being made. And it's ALL because of You! Yes, Father. All because You “so loved the world” (John 3:16).

That's what this particular season is here to represent. You so loved the world that You sent Your One and Only Son to save us. And in so doing, teach us to truly love one another.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Digging into Your Word we get to find Your standard. Your unmovable, perfect standard. Love. Love for You, ourselves and others (Mark 12:30-31).

Thank You for the work You are doing in uniting this household. You continue teaching us Your best for us. Paul wrote “to strengthen the believers in Ephesus in their relationships with God and with each other” (The Life Recovery Bible – THE BOTTOM LINE).

He begged them from prison for serving You “to live a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3).

He went on reminding them, “We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us and living through us all” (vs. 4-6).

TLRB comment for these verses prompts us to remember “the recovery process is hindered by our faults, especially our stubborn pride that prevents us from taking searching and fearless inventory of our life. Recovery is impossible until we humbly admit that we are powerless and need God's help.”

It goes on to promise, “As we trust God to help us, His Holy Spirit will replace our character flaws with humility, love, and patience. When God asks us to live a certain way, HE [emphasis mine] provides the power we need to succeed.”

Oh, “Amen” to that!

Reading further on this, the Illustrated Bible Handbook (Live in Unity Ephesians 4:1-6) declares, “It is humility, patience, and love that is willing to put up with others that make the experience of unity possible. The body is one. We are to 'make every effort to keep the unity' by our relationships with others.”

You are doing that here in this household. And we are grateful. Incredibly, lovingly grateful. Use us well this day. To Your good and to Your glory. We love You Father. All because You first loved us (1John 4:19). Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(463 words ~ 7:25 a.m.)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

emulating God

Saturday, December 20, 2014 (7:52 a.m.)
Holy, Holy Father God,

Thank You! Thank You for the amazing, transforming work You are doing around here. Thank You for the role Your Word has played in conflict resolution.

Thank You that Your written Word addresses every single problem we could ever come across. Thank You that Your Truth reigns supreme. Thank You that the more I read, the more I want to know.

Oh most Holy Father, You are so good. So faithful. And we truly long to emulate You.

Ah, and here again Your Truth rings out. Feelings have been hurt around here. The more we worked at [cussing and] discussing the origins of our painful problems, the deeper and more wounded we each became. But Your Truth held us steady.

Refusing to waver. Not allowing satan the foothold (Ephesians 4:27) for which he so desperately fought, we finally reached resolution. How? Forgiveness!

Forgiveness as stated in Matthew 6:14 (The Voice). “Jesus says to declare forgiveness of those who have wronged us. This is because forgiveness of other people emulates God's forgiveness of us. If you forgive people when they sin against you, then your Father will forgive you when you sin against Him and when you sin against your neighbor.”

Father, we cannot thank You enough. We love You. We want to serve You well. Resembling You. Emulating You. Loving You with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength (Mark 12:30) as You so rightly deserve.

Thank You Father. Use us well. We love You. Amen.
(256 words ~ 8:51 a.m.)

the whatevers

Friday, December 19, 2014 (9:04 a.m.)
Ah-some God,

Yes. Deep, cleansing breath. “Ah...” Truth. Encouragement. Hope. Thank You for helping me breathe it in.

The idea came to me yesterday. Take another look at the whatevers (Philippians 4:8). So here I am. Smiling. Breathing in deeply.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Thursday, December 18, 2014 (8:08 a.m.)
“ARGH!” God, hear my plea!

Desperate. Heartfelt. Intense plea that You would calm the hearts and hurts around here.

You are so good. So faithful. So perfect. We are not.

Insanity seems best for summing up the miscommunications and frustration going on at “this happiest time of the year”. Help us please.

There was progress made yesterday. An openness and willingness to cooperate with one another. And then? A hurt feeling. A misspoke reference. A hit below the belt. And all bets were off.

Thank You that I get to come here before You remembering the Chutes and Ladders game of the past. Things seem to be breezing along and then “Bam!” - a broken cookie jar. Thank You for reminding me again that “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b).

Yea, Jesus! Thank You that Your words just prior to this Truth are, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.” Oh, thank You!

Thank You that the desperation that continues coursing through failed attempts of resolution to long standing problems can be met with Your peace. Thank You that Your Truth never changes. You do not fail. Thank You that Your Word stands true.
(12:59 p.m.)

Oh thank You. Thank You. Building a firm hope on Your one and only foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11) is what I am asking. Keep working in me that I will bring only what is pleasing to You, eternal and fire proof (v. 13) before You.

I love You. I long to serve You well. And I thank You for Your goodness and Your grace. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You. Thank You. Amen.
(303 words ~ 1:02 p.m.)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

trifles vs. Truth

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 (6:24 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy Father,

Thank You. Thank You for taking time with us. Thank You for redirecting hurting hearts, minds and souls. Thank You for the HOPE that comes from believing Your Word.

Blessed Father, I love You. I haven't been acting like it much lately. But I do. I DO love YOU! Thank You for that gift. That privilege. I can behave badly. Act like a brat and still be loved. Unconditionally by the Creator of the Universe.

Wow! Thank You. I haven't said a heartfelt “Wow!” to You in a very long time. Forgive me. Forgive my shortsightedness. Forgive the trifles I have allowed to get in the way of Your Truth. Thank You for spelling it out to me in such a way just now.

Thank You that through hope and faith and trust in You we are able to stand up against the most crushing, devastating blows. Thank You that You are good. Always good. Thank You that You will always do for us that which we can't possibly do on our own (2 Corinthians 3:5).

Thank You that I get to sit here, turning page after page finding hope. My heart is singing Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth for the first time since I can remember. Yes Father. My heart is singing to You again. Thank You!

Thank You that Your Truth and promises are spelled out for us. They don't change. You don't change.

Thank You for verses to hold onto. There are all the ones foretelling Your Son's holy birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:26-38). There are songs that go along with them. Arise, Shine;Emmanuel All messages to remind us that we are not in our problems alone. You know what You are doing!

Holy God, thank You for the hope and joy that comes from knowing to trust and believe Your Word. Ethan the Ezrahite knew to sing Your praises. Psalm 89 begins by his pledge to sing of Your tender mercies.

How poetic are his descriptions. “With Your well-muscled arm and Your grip of steel – nobody trifles with You! The Right and Justice are the roots of Your rule; Love and Truth are its fruits. Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of GOD” (Psalm 89:13-15 The Message).

Father, how I thank You. Thank You for lightening my heart. Infusing it with Your joy.

“Delighted they dance all day long; they know who You are, what You do – they can't keep it quiet! Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us – You've been so good to us! We're walking on air! All we are and have we owe to GOD, Holy God of Israel, our King!” (vs. 16-18).

I confess to not living this Truth. In my own strength and power I have been attempting to manufacture what only You can provide. Forgive me. Thank You for again speaking Your Truth into my feeble being.

Your prophet Nahum spoke to the people of Judah and Nineveh “to prophesy the overthrow of Assyria, showing that God is all-powerful and fully able to help those who are oppressed and in trouble” (THE BOTTOM LINE The Life Recovery Bible).

In so doing he reminded them, “GOD is serious business. He won't be trifled with. He avenges His foes. He stands up against His enemies, fierce and raging. But GOD doesn't lose His temper. He's powerful, but it's a patient power. Still, no one gets by with anything. Sooner or later everyone pays” (Nahum 1:2-3).

In the comments of these verses there is much written about Your willingness to help us. You are presented as “a power greater than ourself to help us make the changes needed for a restored life. God is all-knowing, righteous, all-powerful and good.”

The comment to Ethan's psalm says, “God created and sustains everything that exists. He is extremely powerful, and He displays righteousness, truth, justice, and unfailing love. When we are powerless, it only makes sense to turn to God. He has the power we need to overcome our dependencies. As we remain close to Him and do His will, we will experience deliverance and discover true freedom.”

Father I desperately need Your help in my self-imposed battle with trifles. Provide my every need in choosing instead Your glorious, healing Truth.

How I love You. How I thank You. And how I truly ASK (Matthew 7:7) You to continue Your work in me. Take away all that is not pleasing to Your sight. I love You. I want that to be seen more than anything. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.
(785 words ~ 8:02 a.m.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Tuesday, December 16, 2014 (5:25 a.m.)
Snarl, Grumble, Stiffen, Growl...

No. Not the description of an unruly animal. Well, maybe...

Father, it's me. Standing in the need of prayer!

Holy God, I'm missing. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes. I'm missing. I'm missing out. I'm missing joy. I'm missing peace. And love. And all the remaining fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). There is instead sadness. Frustration. And deeply rooted bitterness.

I keep being tempted to say I don't even know which way to turn, but that is a lie. A lie straight from satan. I know exactly where to turn! To You. Your Son. His manger bed. His Cross. Those never go missing. Well except in the physical aspect of this world.

And then the cycle of distress starts again. Things go wrong in this world. All the time. Thank You that Jesus did come to set us right. Thank You that we get to again take this time of year to be reminded of His obedience to You. Obedience that I don't hold a candle to.

So there's this long list compiling in my mind. Not that of who's been naughty or nice. No mine is again of all that I see as wrong. You know me better than this. You know the people, places and things on which You would have me focus.

Your Word has so much to say about so many things.

I stop to pick up a tissue. Take a deep breath. Bow my head. Wipe my eyes. Exhale. Loudly. I've been doing that a lot. So much. Because it seems as though nothing changes. So much around me appears to go from bad to worse. But that's not true.

You are the One thing that never changes. You are always True. When it comes to things to trust and believe in, it's You. All You. Only You.

I'm missing. You're not! Your Word is chock-full of Truth. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Gentleness. Faithfulness. And self-control. All things I am missing right now. All things You are willing to provide. Freely.

Father, thank You. Thank You for taking the tiniest mustard seed of faith (Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6) and reminding me once again that “Nothing would be impossible.” Even this current hiccup in our journey through marital bliss. Do for each of us all that we are either unwilling or unable to do on our own.

Change us. Right where we are. Our minds. Our hearts. Provide for us all we are missing. You being most important of all.

Thank You Father. Thank You for Your blessings and answers even before we ask for them. Thank You for sending Your Son so we can have this privilege. Thank You that You are always present. Never missing.

Use me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(466 words ~ 7:30 a.m.)

united hearts and one voice

Sunday, December 14, 2014 (5:39 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy Father God,

Thank You. Thank You for Your patience with us. Thank You for loving us so much.

I confess. I'm still practicing. And all too often it seems the more I practice the worse I get. Thank You that You are perfect and You sent Your perfect Son to protect us from ourselves (Romans 4:23-25).

Thank You that I get to mope and pout and wander and wonder and mope and pout some more and the very moment I turn back to You, Your light of Truth shines through. Thank You that You are light. Thank You that You are Truth.

Thank You that as I came to Your Word searching for confirmation of Your patience with us, my mistake in turning to Romans 15:5 took me instead to chapter 5, verse 6. Thank You that even in our mistakes we are blessed. Verse 3 even speaks to that.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us – they help us learn to endure.” I confess to not doing a lot of rejoicing lately. Grousing? Yes. Grumbling? That too. Forgive me I pray.

You have provided our every single need. You've blessed us with so very many extras. Forgive me for looking past all the wonders and blessings and focusing instead on the wishes of an unknowing, immature heart.

Blessed Father, I love You so much. As we continue preparing our hearts and our homes for the celebration of the birth of Your Precious Son, guide and protect from ourselves.

just begun

Saturday, December 13, 2014 (8:12 a.m.)
Holy Father,

Friday, December 12, 2014


Friday, December 12, 2014 (8:20 a.m.)
Blessed Holy God,

I allowed myself to get sidetracked yesterday. One interruption turned into another and the next thing I knew it was dark and I was falling asleep on the couch.

Father, thank You for interruptions. Thank You for the opportunity of an impromptu bike ride with our much loved son. Thank You for tasks completed. Thank You for loving us. And teaching us.

The only verse I could find this morning containing the word “interruptions” is in Job (33:33). My initial reaction was that I wouldn't learn much there. Au contraire! How VERY much is to be gleaned from revisiting these chapters.

Blessed Holy Father, thank You that You never fail. Thank You that You are perfect. And wonderful. Thank You that we get to choose to believe that You know what You are doing. Especially when nothing makes sense to us.

Job, his wife and friends operated under the premise that You are a righteous judge who punishes only the wicked and rewards the good. The Illustrated Bible Handbook describes them as being “frustrated because they see no way out of their dilemma. All four are bound by the circular logic of their understanding”.

It was Elihu that broke their way of thinking. He did “this by pointing out that God may use suffering to instruct as well as to punish (Job 33:19-30)!” This ultimately allowed “the bondage of false logic” to be broken, freeing each of them “to confess that he does not know why God has permitted Job to undergo this experience.”

Freedom in truth. Oh, and those interruptions from yesterday just keep getting better! They led me to read, “Since we are confident that God's character is marked by 'an abundant righteousness He will not violate' (37:23), when we cannot understand we are simply to trust Him. This is perhaps the most significant message of Job” (IBH).

Oh, Amen!

Blessed Father, there are so many things we could accomplish on our rainy day schedule today. Make them the lasting ones. The things that will bring You honor and glory.

This Advent Season is “a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.” May every interruption we encounter point us directly back to this Truth.

Bless us, keep us. Smile down on us and show us Your kindness. Answer our prayers and give us Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26, Easy-to-Read Version). That peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). The peace “that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel” (Contemporary English Version).

And again I say, “Amen!” So be it. Make it so. Yes. Please!

I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(458 words ~ 9:50 a.m.)


Thursday, December 11, 2014 (6:42 a.m.)
Awesome God,

I LOVE saying, “Whoa!” to You. Especially in regards to something spectacular. Like the color of the sky just now. “Whoa!” Take a minute. Pause. Appreciate.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

three word combo

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 (6:49 a.m.)
Holy Awesome God,

Thank You. Thank You for being holy. Thank You for being awesome.

(8:24 a.m.)
Thank You for all You provide.

As I sit here considering You, I am again blown away. A simple three word combination led me to Exodus 15:11. I love when Your Word leaves me speechless and digging for more.

Reading back to Your miraculous rescue of Your chosen people (Exodus 13 – on) I so closely identify with their selective memories. You saved them. Guided and directed their every steps. Their response?

Illustrated Bible Handbook, “The reaction of Israel is significant, and the theme is repeated over and over in the next four chapters. Although God acts to provide for His people, in each emergency they grow less grateful and more rebellious.”

Isn't it sad that when I tell You I want to represent Your Word well, these are the examples I most resemble!

Father, thank You that every single time I come to You I get to be reminded of so many things. I get to learn more. Be refreshed. Renewed. Prompted to remember.

The Message yielded one verse for the search “holy, awesome, God”. Moses' Song of Deliverance (Exodus 15:1-21) immediately followed the Escape through the Red Sea (Exodus 14:15-31). Your people were fickle. They needed constant reminders of Your holiness. How much more do I resemble them?

“Who compares with You among gods, O GOD? Who compares with You in power, in holy majesty, In awesome praises, wonder-working God?” (Exodus 15:11).

The Easy-to-Read Version puts it even more simply. “Are there any gods like the LORD? No, there are no gods like You – You are wonderfully holy! You are amazingly powerful! You do great miracles!”

Remind me Father. Refresh and renew me to following You as You wish. Honestly. Openly. Willingly. I love You and want to represent well Your holiness. Your awesomeness. Your Godliness. You are God. I am not. Let me live this day to Your fullest!

Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(342 words ~ 9:32 a.m.)

"practice God's words" and "See TRUTH"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 (7:54 a.m.)
Pismo Beach, CA
Awesome God,

Thank You! Yesterday as I followed one section of reading to another, Illustrated Bible Handbook Jesus Prays for His Disciples [John] 17:6-19 directed me to “(see Truth, p. 552).” So I went.

In its biblical sense as reality, truth is something which is to be experienced by Jesus' followers.” Agreed. “We are to let His words define the issues and to act on His words obediently.” Agreed and hopeful.

As we PRACTICE GOD'S WORDS [emphasis mine] we come to know truth in a personal way – and to gain all its benefits.” Can I even imagine practicing Your words and seeing Truth?

You know how desperately I long to know Your Truth and be set free (John 8:32)! Going to the preceding verse (31), “Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, 'you are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings'.”

What would it be like to truly live my life for You? I want to! I want so much to practice Your words and “See Truth”. Do all You must to make it so.

I love You. I want to serve and represent You well. Make it so. Thank You. Amen.
(213 words ~ 8:36 a.m.)

practice appreciating

Monday, December 8, 2014 (6:17 a.m.)
Pismo Beach, CA
Holy Father God

Thank You. You give us so much
(9:39 a.m.)

Like early morning walks on the beach and “angel wing” seashells and sand dollars and itty bitty “sand quarters”. We get to take breaks and PAUSE and be amazed and practice appreciating.

Hmm... Yes. Father, I want to practice appreciating. You. Others. Circumstances. Privileges. How do I go about just jumping in to all it truly means to appreciate?

And here I am reading of the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus' prayer to You (Matthew 26:36-39; Mark 14:32-36; Luke 22:39-46; John 17). Four different accounts. The first three very similar to one another

Sunday, December 7, 2014

talented, creative people

Sunday, December 7, 2014 (5:44 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Thank You. I woke again with ideas. And thoughts. And much love for You. Thank You.

Thank You for an action packed yesterday. We left early and came home late. There was interaction with talented, creative people. Very talented and creative people!

And there You go... getting my attention again, in the most unexpected way. Father, thank You. Thank You for loving and caring so much about us.

Thank You that I get to take a simple observation to Your Word and come away with another “Aha!” moment. In The Message Luke retells Jesus' teaching about streetwise people being smarter than law-abiding citizens. He said, “They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits” (16:8-9).

I am known to be a rule follower. How I ask that You would temper my quest to dot all i's and cross all t's. It can be tedious and time consuming. Help me become one who is working hard for Your Kingdom.

The Message paraphrases Dr. Luke quoting Jesus as saying, “I want you to be smart in the same way – but for what is right – using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you'll, really live, and not complacently just get by on your good behavior.”

Ye-ow-ch! Talk about “pulling my covers” and hitting me right where I live! I have tears of non understanding.

At church last night the pastor spoke about the importance of using our resources to plan ahead for eternity. I know I'm not doing that well.

The Voice presents Jesus' words this way, “Learn some lessons from this crooked but clever asset manager. Realize that the purpose of money is to strengthen friendships, to provide opportunities for being generous and kind. Eventually money will be useless to you – but if you use it generously to serve others, you will be welcomed joyfully into your eternal destination.”

Mm. Please Father. Work in me that I would truly become one who shares generously and kindly.

Talented and creative. Generous and kind. These are words I long to have spoken of me. Do all You must Blessed Father. My life is truly in Your hands. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(385 words ~ 6:44 a.m.)

expandable, NOT expendable!

Saturday, December 6, 2014 (5:16 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Thank You. There are so many thoughts this morning. So many words. Help me sort through them to where You would have me.
(5:58 a.m.)

Searching Your Word. Reading. Wondering. Asking. Praying. Praising.

Seeing the word 'expandables' in a desk here made me think 'expendable' and I went straight to The Message, followed immediately by the dictionary.

One letter changes the whole definition. The 'a' makes the word mean 'to spread out'. The 'e'? To spend or use up. A simple search of 'expend' found nothing for me. While 'expand' yielded much. 

David's lungs expanded with praise to You (Psalm 34:1). King Solomon knew that fear of You expands our lives (Proverbs 10:22; 27). Isaiah (9:2-7) told of joy expanding and the coming of Your precious Son. Paul described to the Romans (5:9-11) how Jesus set them right with You, “by means of His sacrificial death... now that we're at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of His resurrection life!”

Paul also wrote to the church at Corinth, explaining new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and hoping “that as your lives grow in faith, you'll play a part in our expanding work” (10:15).

Blessed Father, I pray this morning asking You to make me expandable. Not expendable. I love You. I long to serve You well. Make it so Blessed Father. Make it so. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(247 words ~ 6:38 a.m.)

Friday, December 5, 2014

exalted above all things

Friday, Dec 5, 2014 (5:37 a.m.)
Most Holy Father God,

Thank You that You are indeed most holy. David sang of it in his Psalm (138:2, The Message). Thank You that through his love for You we get to be reminded of Your loving faithfulness.

Thank You that because of the works of so many others, we have an abundance of translations and paraphrases with which to compare seemingly simple words. “Most holy” becomes “exalted above all things”, “supreme”, “magnified”, “honored”, “greater than everything else”, “even more famous”, “raised up”, “backed by all the honor”, “over all things and all times”.

It's the phrasing of the New English Translation that got me up out of my chair and outside to witness the unfolding of the colors in the sky up close and personal. Thank You for reminding me to look. What must it even be like to 'have Your promise exalted above the entire sky'?

The beauty we see from our limited vantage points can only pale in comparison to all else You have in store for us. Father, thank You. Thank You that You are indeed most holy. Let us practice living our lives to reflect all that means.

I love You. I give You this day to do in and with, by and for me all that You desire. I love You. I want to serve You well. Make it so Dear Lord, make it so. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(236 words ~ 6:45 a.m.)

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Thursday, December 4, 2014 (4:34 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy Father,

I've been using the word fascinating recently. Often without even realizing it. I thought I'd see what Your Word has to say about it and I find myself in the book of Acts, reading some pretty fascinating stuff.
(5:43 a.m.)

What I may again find most fascinating is how very little I truly know about each individual book that comprises the whole of The Bible.
(7:21 a.m.)

Faithful Father, I read the history that Dr. Luke so meticulously wrote down and I truly am fascinated by Your power. Your faithfulness. Your love. Your plan. Your attention to every single detail.

Thank You for loving us so much. Thank You for sending Your Son to right our every wrong. I am overcome with the excitement [agog] that comes from knowing You to be the good and gracious God that You are.

Reading most about the power of Your Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), I get to see how Simon Peter “was transformed from an impulsive and unreliable, though well-intentioned, follower of Jesus, to a bold and dedicated leader” (The Life Recovery Bible introduction of Acts).

I am again reminded that the Holy Spirit has the power to change our very lives. You can transform us into exactly all You want us to be. Blessed Father, how I long for that kind of reworking of me.

Cornelius (Acts 10) believed You as he understood You. Oh, but You had more for him to experience in his walk with You. Thank You for his (and Peter's) faithfulness. Thank You for the work You did in and through both of them and those who followed.

Work in and through me I pray Dear, Blessed Father. I truly long to be the faithful woman of Yours that You have set me aside to be. Do all You must for me to follow You as You wish. I love You. I long to serve You well. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(334 words ~ 7:46 a.m.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

So very much!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 (6:29 a.m.)
Most Holy, Blessed God,

It's cold and wet and I love You. SO much. So very much! Mm. Yes. I look outside. Consider all You do for us. Draw the blanket a little tighter around my shoulders. And ask You... what would You have of me today?

I get to turn to Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth. Here he is explaining new life in Christ and his authority to preach. And again I am amazed.

Following the phrase “so very much” led me straight to 2 Corinthians 9:14, Contemporary English Version. Paul was reminding the Corinthians of their own enthusiastic offer to help meet the needs of other believers (v. 2). He went on to explain the many benefits of giving.

Blessed Father, You know better than any the reluctance I have developed toward giving and sharing. I believe Your promises. I become excited [agog] as I read Your Truth. How I ask that You would put Your Truth in action through me.

Beginning with verse 13 and continuing through the chapter's end in the New Living Translation, Father I ask You to continue shaving and shaping me into becoming a generous giver. My heart, soul and mind agree with Your teachings. My actions? Not so much!

“You will be glorifying God through your generous gifts. For your generosity to them (the Christians in Jerusalem) will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the wonderful grace of God shown through you.”

I pause here to insert the phrasing of the CEV, “...because God used you to bless them so very much.” Holy Father, I want my life to represent this Truth.

Now, for the big finish. Verse 15, “Thank God for His Son – a gift too wonderful for words!”

In this hectic, nonstop season of gift giving, let us truly take the time to remember that Your Son is absolutely THE “Gift too wonderful for words!”

Thank You Father. Use me well this day. I love You. So very much! Amen.

(356 words ~ 7:53 a.m.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

asking for focus

Tuesday, December 2, 2014 (5:35 a.m.)
Awesome, Holy God,

Thank You. There was sleep. Enough for dreams. Now I am asking for focus. On the things You would have me see.

Your Word has much to say about focus. Where we are to put ours. Where many in ancient times placed theirs.

Right now I'm paying close attention to the shading taking place in the sky. It's not as much about colors this morning as it is variations. There's light and dark. An occasional hint at blue. Then back to various stages of light and dark.

Thank You Father. As I sit here asking You for focus, I remember choosing to be amazed the other morning. May that truly be our Advent theme this year? That we would each be absolutely amazed by You!

You sent us Your Son. How amazing is that? We have opportunity for direct contact with You. Another focus by which to be amazed. We have ready access to Your written Word. Filled with Your promises, miracles, warnings, history and amazing grace.

We are blessed. There is absolutely no doubt about that. What a perfect time to be reminded of the “huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith” surrounding us (Hebrews 12:1). You would have us “strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress.”

Dearest, Blessed Father, how I ask for the focus to “run with endurance the race that God has set before us”. Always remembering that “We do this by keeping our eyes [FOCUS!] on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish” (v. 2a).

Yes. Holy God, keep our focus on the TRUE “Reason for the Season” we are preparing to celebrate. I love You. I need You. I want You. And I long to serve You. Well! Use me as You wish. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(320 words ~ 6:57 a.m.)

Monday, December 1, 2014

keep on searching

Monday, December 1, 2014 (6:13 a.m.)
Blessed God,

That's some beautiful sky You have going on outside. Thank You. I keep searching for the best view. Mm. Yes. I keep on searching.

Thank You Father that there is even a Bible verse for that. Psalm 105:4 (The Living Bible), “Search for the LORD and His strength, and keep on searching.”

The Message puts the first five verses of this psalm even more plainly. “Hallelujah! [Yes! Praise You!] Thank GOD! Tell everyone you meet what He has done! Sing Him songs, belt out hymns, translate His wonders into music!”

Interrupting the flow of The Message to thank You again for the musicians who take the time to put Your Truth into song. I very tearfully experienced it again yesterday in church. Thank You Father. Thank You for their talent and their dedication to sharing Your love.

Continuing at verse 3, “Honor His holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek GOD. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for GOD, watch for His works; be alert for signs of His presence. Remember the world of wonders He has made, His miracles, and the verdicts He's rendered-”

Mm, yes. Holy God, keep me searching and sharing. Your strength. Your love. Mm, yes. Do all You must in and with, by and through me. Thank You, Father. I love You. Amen.
(228 words ~ 7:19 a.m.)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

choosing to be amazed

Advent Sunday, November 30, 2014 (7:21 a.m.)
Gloriously Awesome God,

I am smiling. A heart-filled, mindful smile. Why? Because You are good and glorious and I am choosing to be amazed by You. Thank You.

Thank You for a sky filled with surprises this morning. Clouds. Fluffy, white. Wispy. Dark. They're all there looking dramatic and amazing. Enough for me to set up a work space in front of the window. Preparing to be even more amazed by You. And You do not disappoint!

Waking to the command to Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory... I gave much thought to how I was going to do so. My thoughts were of garnering all my own power and strength and proceeding from there. Thank You that my thoughts are not Your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8)!

Thank You that Your plans (Jeremiah 29:11) are perfect. Thank You that with every page I turn in Your Word this morning I become more and more amazed. Eager. Excited. Agog!

Father, You are working in me. I know that. I see it. And here I confess to being as impatient as King Saul (1 Samuel 13:1-14). His focus was on the external. He believed what he was seeing with his own eyes. He took his eyes off You to look at the circumstances around him.

I confess to living this way recently. I have been “susceptible to the negative influences of others” (The Life Recovery Bible devotional). I've “failed to trust in God's timing” and have “acted irresponsibly” often.

Blessed Father, thank You that Your plans for us are perfect. I don't have to be afraid or disheartened. But I sure do choose so. Thank You for reminding me that Yours is such the better way!

Today is the very first Sunday of Advent. A “time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.” It is the first day of the first season of the Christian church year. An absolutely new beginning. The perfect opportunity to look forward to ALL You want for us.

Father, I am here asking You to use me well. Change my heart and mind and soul to readily reflect YOUR goodness and grace. I need You. Your guidance. Your pace. Your timing. Thank You for reminding me to look to You.

Holy God, my heartfelt prayer to You this morning is not only for today. It's not even just for this blessed season. Daddy God, I want to be aware of being amazed by You every single moment of every single day. It's a choice only I can make.

Choosing to be amazed allows me the opportunity to truly “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Again The Life Recovery Bible presents Your Truth in a comment I choose to believe, “Our decision is important not only for us but for our children. Let's choose life and pass the gift of abundant life on to our children as well.”

Back to King Saul's decision to take matters into his own hands (1 Samuel 13:9). How I identify with his impatience. Fear. Disobedience. Yet You continue speaking to my heart.

Being patient when things seem to be running behind schedule is sometimes the most difficult part of recovery. We need to be true to God's program, even when it seems to be going too slowly. God's way is always the best way” (TLRB comment).

You are my God and Father. You are Who I long to glorify and enjoy. I do not have the wherewithal to accomplish this on my own. All the power I need is found in You. Keep me plugged in and completely connected to You I pray.

Our tendency to be unduly influenced by others needs to be replaced with strength from God and faith in His plan” (TLRB Peer Pressure devotional). Be my strength Blessed Father. Stand in and up for me every time I begin to falter. My own resolve [firm determination to do something] has waned. I am choosing to be amazed by all You are going to do in its absence!

Thank You Father. Praise You. Bless You. Worship You. Bring me closer that I would hear Your still, small voice (1 Kings 19: 11-13). And even here You speak to me!

The prophet Elijah, “one of the great heroes of the Bible” (TLRB Tolerance vs. Perfectionism devotional) doubted himself. He occasionally had a bad day. We, like him, expose ourselves to the possibility of being “perfectionists, we may think we are above everyone else. We work very hard to please God and other people, but we can grow dangerously discouraged if things don't seem to work... If we don't allow ourself to be less than perfect, we may find that we are at great risk when life reminds us that we are only human after all.”

Thank You Blessed Father for reminding me of my limitations! Thank You for Your continuous offer to be all that I am not. Perfect. Forgiving.

You “dealt with Elijah in a loving, patient manner by reassuring him that he was not alone. Reassurance and rest are a solid prescription for someone afflicted with self-doubt. We need to build a community of support to help us through the difficult times of recovery. Without the help of others, it will be impossible for us to succeed” (TLRB comment 1Kings 19:5-18).

Thank You for the opportunity to see myself so often in Your Word. Thank You for Your promises and Your plan. Thank You for sending Jesus to save us. Thank You for again helping me see my limitations. Thank You for reminding me that I get to choose to be amazed! I am choosing You over all else. Use me and my choices well. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(969 words ~ 9:54 a.m.)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

good company

Saturday, November 29, 2014 (7:47 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Exhausted comes to mind. Tired. Really tired. Speak to me about all our strength coming from You 'cause right now I don't have any. The body is sore. The heart full.

Father, thank You. Even here I get to come before You. Honestly. Openly. Willingly. Searching Your Word and finding once again that I am indeed in good company. David wrote of being exhausted (Psalm 38:8).

As I look to You for strength and guidance, how I thank You for the opportunity to have spent the past several days in the good company of family and friends. Mm, good company.

Father, thank You that I get to be in Your good company. I get to read Your Word. Be reminded of all the things of which I have been learning. I get to take deep breaths and breathe You in to my very core. Thank You.

Thank You for soul altering, thought changing deep breaths. One minute the focus is on the physical and emotional aspects of our being. The very next I am contemplating the eternal. Psalm 136 ends every line reminding us that it is Your love that endures forever.

Of course my mind starts singing His love endure forever

Thursday, November 27, 2014

the Truth

Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27, 2014 (5:44 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

The smile on my face and heart affirm what my mind knows. You are HOLY! Really, truly holy. You are working in us around here and it isn't always pretty.

Just the other day I recalled an incident that took place over forty years ago. Forty years!

Holy Father God, ideas and songs, thoughts and Bible verses are all swirling around in my head. How I ask You to settle them. Each one wants the chance to be heard.

Let me list them in the order I remember them coming just this morning:

♫Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Revelation 4:8)

“Problems and Solutions”

♫Someday at Christmas (Stevie Wonder)

I've been confessing it for days. Weeks maybe. I am officially a wreck. Tears and emotions have been my mainstay. I am coming to the end of myself in such a blessed, good way. I am coming to know the Truth and it is truly setting me free (John 8:32).

It's not pretty by any means. One minute I'm practically slumped over by the sheer weight of my thoughts and the next I'm almost skipping to the beat of Your heart for us. Father, it's Thanksgiving and I can't thank You enough!

We have problems around here. Problems that date back over forty years. Problems that have built themselves right on top of long ago, unresolved problems. And I've been trying in my own strength and power to right the wrongs of all these years.

I've called out to You. Begged. Pleaded. Cried. Oh how I have cried. You've seen the tears and the tissue mounds. But it's only when I am in Your Word, turning from Truth to promise that my heart settles and mind clears.

We are on the brink of something incredible. I have no idea what it is. I don't want to think ahead. Nor do I really care to dig up what all lays behind. What I'm asking is that You keep me in Your step. Lead me. Guide me. To Your Truth.

Yes. There are more tears. I get that. I'm going to continue crying myself through all the pain I've worked so hard to avoid. Oh, but the Truth, the Truth is so worth the fight!

Keep working in me Father. Fine tune and refine me. I can't do any of this on my own. I honestly believe satan would have me focus on all that is wrong. That is my old nature. You've provided us all the solution to any of our problems. Your Son.

We are officially entering the Season of His birth. There's a ton of things hanging over our heads. We can choose to attempt to ignore them. We could try fighting them on our own. Instead I am again coming back to Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises. Page after glorious page reveals more hope.

Guide me this day Blessed Father. Direct and lead me to the bounty of Your blessings for us. Beginning with Your Word.

First verse took me to Deuteronomy 1:12. Moses was speaking to the people of Israel as they were in the wilderness. Reading the introduction to the book begin, “What might we do after failing persistently for almost forty years? How might we set out a new pattern for living?”

I can't even read through the tears in my eyes and my heart. Again. Forty years! Ah, but the Truth... “For You, a thousand years are as yesterday! They are like a few hours!” (Psalm 90:4).

Father, please, continue Your lead.

According to The Life Recovery Bible the purpose for Moses writing the book of Deuteronomy is “To assist God's people as they live in the present by reviewing what God has done in the past and considering what God has promised to do in the future.” Yes, please!

All the times as I've heard [and even read] the stories, I'm still amazed at what I'm reading now. Moses told the people to learn from their past. There was a plan for their present and hope for the future.

As I consider the opportunity You provide us for rebuilding, I ask You to take the lead in the project. Because of Your Son, Your love, Your Truth, Your promises we are not without hope. We get to start over again and again. Make it so I follow You better.

Psalm 12:6 affirms what I have long known. “The LORD's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.”

The comment at the bottom reminds me that You have “promised to protect us from those who try to destroy us.” It goes on saying, “God is not like us – His words are pure. He never deceives, nor does He ever fail to keep His promises.”

Hallelujah! Thank You God.

As I prepare to get started with the events of this day, how I ask that You enable and empower me to represent You with Your TRUE Spirit of Thanksgiving. I love You Dad! Do all You must. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(859 words ~ 7:05 a.m.)