Monday, March 25, 2013


Monday, March 18, 2013 (5:26 a.m.)
Heading north toward Cabo San Lucas, MX
Island Princess
Most Holy God,
Thank You. We are back in our original time zone. That means we are getting closer to the ending of this current trip. Father, You well know the funk that usually puts me in. I'm asking way in advance that we do it differently this time. What do You think? A smoother, healthier transition than in the past.
“Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another; passage, move, segue, shift, progession”. The list goes on. Guide me in and through this next rapidly approaching changeover.
Father, You have taught us a lot this trip. Things about engineering, different cultures, perspectives, ourselves. Thank You. Help us take home and apply the good habits we've been forging these past few weeks. You have so much more for us to learn. Make us willing and proficient learners.
And just like that You have me reading in the book of Malachi. Thank You Father. You provide so very much hope for us. Yesterday I was blessed by the words of the chaplain on this ship. He reminded us through the story of Caleb's and Joshua's experience in the Promised Land with the ten other spies (Numbers 13:23-14:4) that we can look at the giants [those things that keep us discouraged] and grasshoppers [how tiny we feel in regards to our giants] in our lives OR we can focus on the grapes [Your promises to us] and YOU. Father, thank You for such a detailed reminder.
As we have set sail toward home, remind this dear husband and myself of the many healthy choices we have made thus far during this present voyage. Lead, guide and direct us into taking these good decisions into our everyday life at home. Father God, we DO love and adore You so incredibly much. Thank You for being the major Topic of many of our conversations.
Right now I'm getting to read of Caleb's different spirit than the other spies. He believed You and Your promises. He knew that with Your help Your people could conquer all the obstacles and difficulties they would face. That's what ties so nicely into Your promise to Malachi. He preached a message of hope to a nation of backsliders – a people who had fallen back into their old habits.
Malachi confronted Your people about getting back on track after having relapsed into their past destructive behaviors. He spoke Your message of The Messiahs' Coming (Malachi 3:1-6). How blessed are we that we get to expereince this very hope today.
You promised to send a messenger (John the Baptist) to prepare the way for Jesus' coming. You described through these words the cleansing that was [IS] available to each of us by His mighty presence.
All this leads to the verse I ask You to burn into my very heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30) this day. Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord – I do not change. That is why you are not already utterly destroyed [for my mercy endures forever].”
Yes Father. You are our Lord. You do not change and we are not destroyed. Bless me and keep me in Your Truth as we transition back to our normal, everyday life. Use us to glorify and enjoy You forever. THAT is what we're here for. Thank You Father. We love You. We thank You. Amen.
(583 words ~ 8:40 a.m.)

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