Wednesday, September 19, 2012

♫Love and Forgiveness♫

Wednesday, September 19, 2012 (7:03 a.m.)
Love and Forgiveness
Love and forgiveness, love and forgiveness now Or please. Or wins. I’m not sure which of those three fits best. But I DO know that we are called to love and forgive!
Thank You ma Daddy, Thank You ma Jesus, Thank You ma Holy Ghost You see where the ‘sillies’ have taken me this morning. Oh, but it’s the fun of the song that continues reminding me that it’s not how we FEEL about anything that matters. It’s about love and forgiveness At all cost!
Thank You Father. Thank You Son. Thank You Spirit. We want to make this our family theme song. Too many hurts and slights to count. Let us count our blessings instead! You used Jonah to send a message loud and clear. He wanted You to destroy the people of Ninevah. He absolutely did NOT want to go there preaching Your love and forgiveness.
How blessed we are to have his example AND the opportunity not to follow his pattern. You called him to go and warn the Ninevites. Instead he boarded a ship headed in the opposite direction. Father, today I ask that You would continue guiding me toward Love and Forgiveness LAF [laugh J] if You will.
Thank You for the ways in which You remind us of Your priceless gift of love and forgiveness! It’s Your love and forgiveness we want to share. Work in us to that end. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(252 words ~ 7:59 a.m.)

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