Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Tuesday, December 22, 2009 (5:17 a.m.)

“Wonderful Counselor,

“Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) What a mouthful! What a wonderful, glorious mouthful!

I confess to You Lord, I have never taken the time, energy, or initiative to learn this particular title of Yours. Or even where it is to be found in Your Word. Thank You for drawing me to it this morning.

Lord, You are doing amazing work around here. Moments of dispute and disagreement are being met with such a more patient, loving atmosphere. No longer are things allowed to fester and grow (too much) out of proportion. All because of Your doings Lord. Thank You.

Thank You for leading me with the word ‘wonderful’ this morning Lord. And thank You for narrowing down the search for me! Leading me in to Isaiah, I get to read the chapter titles of 10, 11 and 12. “Promises of Protection”, “Promises of a Perfect Ruler” and “Singing God’s Praises”.

And sing them I do Lord! “On that day you will say, ‘Praise the Lord! He was angry with me, but now He comforts me. See, God has come to save me! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my song; He is my salvation. Oh, the joy of drinking deeply from the Fountain of Salvation!’” (Isaiah 12:1-3)

Oh Your goodness Lord! Your sweet, incredible goodness! I read. I hope. And I recognize myself. Look! That’s ME! “I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my song; He IS my salvation. Oh, the joy!”

Oh, the joy of drinking deeply from the Fountain of Salvation! The Bible Handbook says, "In that day God’s people will finally recognize Him and find the joy that is always available to those who drink deeply of waters drawn from the well of salvation." Find the joy, Lord. How wonderful is that thought!

Thank You for the very good gifts of this season. Your very good gifts, Lord! A remembered ingredient in my mom’s cookie recipe that truly “makes all the difference in the world”. The safe arrival of our traveling son. The softening of our 17 year-olds’ demeanor. The continued teamwork of my husband and I, resulting in our home ‘looking like the inside of a gingerbread house.’ These are the very good gifts of this season Lord. YOUR season! Your wonderful season. Thank You.

“In that wonderful day you will say, ‘Thank the Lord! Praise His name! Tell the world about His wonderous love. How mighty He is!’ Sing to the Lord, for He has done wonderful things. Make known His praise around the world. Let all the people of Jerusalem shout His praise with joy. For great and mighty is the Holy One of Israel, who lives among you.” (4-6)

Oh most glorious wonderful Lord. How I thank You for coming into this world and into our hearts. Keep working in and through us, allowing us to become so much more than we could ever imagine.

I love You so very much Dear Wonderful God. Thank You for arranging and providing for that to happen! I love You. Amen.

(531 words ~ 6:26 a.m.)

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