Thursday, December 31, 2009 (7:10 a.m.)
Lake Arrowhead Chalets #114
Most Blessed God,
You are so good. And I love You so much. Lord, thank You for bringing me to You. Thank You for the love You have for each of us that brings us and holds us together.
It didn’t snow yesterday Lord. I didn’t ask You for it outright. Just kind of wished and hoped and even joked about it intermittently.
Now there’s a word that’s new to me. So new that I had its spelling and pronunciation mistaken with ‘intermitted’.
Lord, thank You that even (or is that especially?) in my time alone with You I get to see how readily I jump to a conclusion that is not always accurate.
So, back to intermittent, “occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady”. Lord, thank You that this is a word that in no way describes You!
I am so used to You being constant. Continuous. Always. Thank You Lord. Thank You that You can be trusted as no one else.
Job had experience with intermittence. His friends, with all of their advice and opinions were not able to comfort and support him in his time of need. A commentary for Job 6:14-21 says, “they were long on advice, but short on compassion.”
Lord, as I look around me to the circumstances of others, and even when I myself am in that painful place of not understanding what is going on, I don’t want to be described as Job did his friends in the above mentioned verses. “A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends, even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty. But my brothers are as undependable as intermittent streams, as the streams that overflow when darkened by thawing ice (I was aware of some of those on my chilly walk yesterday) and swollen with melting snow (not at all what I was hoping for, You know!) but that cease to flow in the dry season, and in the heat vanish from their channels.”
Blessed Lord. How I long to be a better friend than this example. Help me listen and be aware of what is needed to be a person who comforts and supports.
I love You so much Dear Lord. Thank You for a glorious year of precious memories and genuine growth.
Do for, and in, us this next year exactly what You know is needed for us to continue growing in You and Your love. (Maybe next year we could have some snow, huh?) I love You Lord. Thank You again for all You are and all You do. I love You. Amen.
(435 words ~ 8:29 a.m.)