Tuesday, May 27, 2014

taking care

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 (6:12 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Time is flying. Much is happening. And there's still more for us to take care of. How I thank, when I pause long enough, You for taking care of us.

Psalm 55:22 read in various ways reminds us of the importance of giving our burdens to You. The verb used most is 'cast'; followed by 'throw', 'give', 'turn', 'leave', 'pile'.

Dad, I love looking at the different ways Your Truth is presented. So many variations of saying, “Our Lord, we belong to You. We tell you what worries us, and You won't let us fall” (Contemporary English Version).

There are descriptive nouns like: 'troubles', 'cares', 'thoughts', even 'busyness' and they all boil back down to You taking care of us when we ask You to. We can choose to fret, stew, work, manipulate or we can come to You confessing our needs.

That's where I am this morning. Asking You again to order our day. There are serious health issues to be rectified. I cast them on You. Give them to You. Trusting, knowing, believing Your will to be for our best - “never let[ting] the righteous be shaken.”

The more I read this one verse, the more I find. “Cast thy burdens upon the Lord, and He shall nourish and protect thee; yea, He shall not allow the righteous to be moved” (Wycliffe Bible).

“Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall” (New Living Translation).

There is so much Truth and hope to be found and depended on here. Embolden and empower me to share it freely with others. Father, I love You. I trust You. I depend on You. Do in and with, by and through me all that You wish this day. I'm Yours and I ask You to continue taking such tender care of all that You so dearly love.

Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(334 words ~ 7:10 a.m.)

Monday, May 26, 2014

get ahead

Monday, May 26, 2014 (8:50 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy, Father God,

Thank You! Thank You for continuing Your work in changing my perspective. I started to think of how very far behind we are in the work we have to do around here. Rather than bemoan and chastise ourselves I thought of asking You to help us get ahead.

I like the way You soften my heart. There are so many factors that could derail my thinking. Cause me to fall back into the rut of over-thinking situations. When I remember to look to Your Word, I find myself taking deep breaths and relaxing. Thank You Father.

Paul's letter to the people of Philippi was written under an entirely different set of circumstances. He was writing from prison to friends who cared deeply about him. He wrote to thank them for their friendship and to encourage them to stay constant in their love for Christ.

Father, I have to confess right here, it is still far too often that I allow current affairs to waylay my dependence on You. Too easily I fret. Stew. Brood. Your Word counteracts that every time. Especially Paul's teachings on joy.

Thank You for his honesty. He reminded his friends to stay joyful in their circumstances. He made them aware that 'wholeness of life does not come from material things or pleasant circumstances. Genuine joy, meaning, and satisfaction come as we follow Christ and help others to grow spiritually' (The Life Recovery Bible book introduction to Philippians).

Through this book we get to be reminded that it's when we turn our life over to You that we are able to experience the power of Your Holy Spirit working in us. The overall theme of this letter is joy. Joy found in various events.

Here I am joyful in being able to feel You nudging me toward “Unity through Humility” (Chapter 2, verses 1-4). I'm taking a stretch. I'm using Paul's words to a completely separate set of circumstances to remind me of the importance of working together as a team.

“If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if His love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care – then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand” (Philippians 2:1-4, The Message).

Blessed Father, these words speak more deeply to my soul than I can even express. There is so much Truth here of who I used to be and how I often behaved. The Life Recovery comment reminds me that “we are never an island unto ourself... as we grow, we have to move beyond self-centeredness and become interested in others.”

Once upon a time, in a relationship far, far away, a struggle of running behind would have erupted into a war of wills. This morning I turn it all over to You, asking that You would be the power behind our forces to get ahead. Do all You must to make us the joyful people You created us to be.

We love You Father. Our goal is to praise You and have fun in the process. To me that equals out to joy. Keep working to remind us that it [joy] is found in all our circumstances. I love You. I thank You. Use us well I pray. Amen.

(613 words ~ 9:50 a.m.)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

family members

Thursday, May 22, 2014 (6:58 a.m.)
Holy Father God,

Thank You. These past few days we've been able to spend time with family members making plans of more to come. Thank You for the love between us that results in the desire to be with one another.

Thank You that Your Word even speaks to this. Guide and direct me in all You'd have me practicing today.
(7:47 a.m.)

Jeremiah 31. A chapter of hope for a struggling people. A reminder of Your promises and what is yet to come.

Mm, Father. How I thank You for Your Word. Your Truth. The hope that is found within. As I read of Your promises to rebuild Your land and Your people, I quote here the whole of The Life Recovery Bible comment for verses 1-40.

“God paints a joyful picture of recovery, with all the elements of repentance, sorrow, forgiveness, laughter, restoration, and hope. Once again God's people would follow His plan for them, and He would receive their worship and praise. We can experience this kind of restoration, too. We start the process by admitting our need for God's healing power in our life. God desires to rebuild His relationship with each of us, no matter how far we have strayed from Him. He delights in finding new ways to exhibit His love to those who belong to Him.”

Blessed Father, You never cease to bring me joy. I turn to Your Word and my heart quickens in anticipation of the Truth I will find there. Thank You for Your Truth. Your promises. Your plan.

Continue Your work in making us the people who will no longer “have to teach each other or encourage their family members and say, 'You must know the Eternal.' For all of them will know Me [YOU] intimately themselves – from the least to the greatest in society, I [YOU] will be merciful when they fail and forgive their wrongs. I [YOU] will never call to mind or mention their sins again” (v. 34).

Oh to live our life as family members who full on believe and trust You at Your Word. This I ask in Your Son's most holy and precious name. Remind and make me able Dearest God. I love You. I thank You. Amen.

(381 words ~ 8:08 a.m.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

strength of character

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 (8:35 a.m.)

A most luxuriously self-indulgent morning. Lolling about for hours with good company and hot coffee. Thank You Father. Thank You for time to lounge. To rest. To consider our blessings.

I just read the words “celebrate life”. They were written by a mom whose son died at age nine months. She had been encouraged all along his short life to find the joy in the cards their family had been dealt.

Holy Father God, how I thank You for the strength of this one mom's character. Thank You for the lessons we get to learn from others.

With all the tears that are filling my heart, as well as my eyes, may I stop right here for a moment to thank You once more? Again I came to You with my own agenda. My plan was to talk about celebrating life. Let me instead listen to what You have for me to learn about strong characters.

Romans 5:1-11. Faith Brings Joy “Therefore,”. That means I must read the verses prior to find out what Paul was talking about.

... God will also declare us to be righteous if we believe in God, who brought Jesus our Lord back from the dead. He [Jesus] was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised from the dead to make us right with God” (Romans 4:24b-25).

Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith... we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know they are good for us – they help us learn to endure” (Romans 5:1-3).

Learn to endure”. That is absolutely something I need Your help with! I am especially good with caving. Giving up. “Learn to endure”. I definitely like the Truth of that. Yes! Please, Father.

And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love” (Romans 5:3-5).

I note the progression here. How one attribute leads directly to the next one. The Life Recovery Bible has a devotional entitled Repeated Forgiveness. It speaks of the importance of needing “to be as patient with ourself as God expects us to be with others.”

It goes on to say,“Learning to wait patiently is an important characteristic for us to develop.” We are to admit sin and accept God's forgiveness so “our hope and faith have a chance to be exercised and grow stronger.”

Hmm, exercise and grow stronger. Strength of character is practiced. Exercised.

Work in and through, with and for me I pray Blessed Father. I love You so very much and I long to grow into the woman of strong character You would have me be! Thank You for Your patience, mercy and grace. Enable and empower me to use them well this day. I love You. I thank You. Amen.

(541 words ~ 10:31 a.m.)


Tuesday, May 20, 2014 (5:57 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Thank You! You provided us with seamless child-caring yesterday and we are grateful. As we prepare to go over and do it all again this morning I ask Your presence throughout.


Monday, May 19, 2014 (6:14 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

I love You. Where do we even begin this morning? We have a week of broken routines ahead of us. While this may all be good, it sure is going to be different.

Yes Father. Talk to me about different. Dissimilar. Unalike. Changed. Transformed. New. How cool that these are things that we are in Christ.

My first finding in Your Word about being different is Noah. The Message states quite simply, “But Noah was different. God liked what He saw in Noah” (Genesis 6:8). The Life Recovery Bible comment says, “Noah, like Enoch, lived his life in constant fellowship with God. He broke the mold set by his ancestors and neighbors by drawing close to God.”

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Sunday, May 18, 2014 (6:53 a.m.)
Blessed Father, Holy God,

Thank You for another day. Another day to praise You. To give You thanks. To consider You. To give You glory. To learn more of Your ultimate victory.

Father, thank You. Thank You for the changes You are making in us. Thank You for the word 'disingenuous' that I woke up with this morning. Thank You for the opportunity to consider and then discard it as something I do NOT want to be. Insincere. Dishonest. Untruthful. False.

Thank You for leading me instead to what I long to be. Victorious. In You! Triumphant. Successful. Talk to me this morning about our victory in Christ.

(8:05 a.m.)

With all the verses and comments I've read this morning, it's still a children's song that is singing loud and clear within me. It started hours ago and keeps getting stronger. As You continue reminding me that I am victorious in You (1 Corinthians 15:57), let me keep singing all the louder Rise and shine And give God the glory, glory... Children of the Lord

It's You I long to trust. You I want to glorify. You who guides me to the Truth that “When we have the resurrection power of Jesus Christ at work within us nothing we do is ever wasted. God will use even our failures and relapses to teach us something of His glory” (The Life Recovery Bible comment for 1Cor.15:35-58).

I'm on my way to church now. Keep me singing. Praising. And longing to remember You as the One who makes each of us victorious. I love You. Let me live this day so that shows abundantly! Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(284 words ~ 8:21 a.m.)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"decently and in order"

Saturday, May 17, 2014 (6:55 a.m.)
Awesome Holy God,

Thank You. Things are coming together around here in an orderly manner. This brings to mind 1Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

Father, thank You. Thank You that communication is improving. Thank You that we have You to turn to for guidance.

Thank You for the people You put into our lives. Thank You for the assets You have for us to share. Thank You for Your Word and the opportunity we have to study it and put it into practice.

As I consider doing things “decently and in order” I turn to Your Word. A comment in The Life Recovery Bible tells of Paul having summarized his teachings on relationships. The modern day phrase being “healthy interdependence”.

Because of Your love for him, Paul learned firsthand that “we are to live in community with others, building them up and meeting their needs.” I think that too often seems to be more the exception than the rule in our everyday lives. Thank You for the continued reminders and opportunities to do better.

Thank You for the further explanation of what healthy interdependent living looks like. Needs being meet by and for others, with no ulterior motive. Learning to love selflessly does not seek a hidden reward. Thank You that we get to continue turning to You and Your Word for the perfect example of doing things decently and in order.

Again I ask You to order this day. Have us use the resources You have so generously provided us to Your good and to Your glory. Father, we love You and we long to serve You well.

Thank You for another day that You have made. Another day in which to rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118:24). “Please, Lord, please give us success” (v. 25) in pleasing You. We love You. We thank You. We ask and seek to know You. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(325 words ~ 7:56 a.m.)

Friday, May 16, 2014

understanding and answers

Friday, May 16, 2014 (6:39 a.m.)
Holy Father,

Thank You. You gave me guidance and direction yesterday. Work was accomplished. Time well spent. Thanks Dad. This morning I'm asking again for more of the same.

I'm also asking for Your continued work on my behalf. Last evening there was a sharpness in my tone over a simple request. I noticed it right away and tried to make it better. Keep working in us Father.

Blessed God, I love looking at words with You. Especially when it takes me deeper into Your Word. Learning things I had missed before. Luke 2:47 presents me with a whole different way of looking at sharpness.

The Message says this about Jesus' first Passover trip to Jerusalem, “The teachers were all quite taken with him, impressed with the sharpness of his answers.” When my answers are sharp, I want it to be because of understanding. Insight. Power of comprehension. Intelligence. Wisdom. Knowledge. Prudence.

At age twelve Jesus amazed the teachers of the law with His understanding and answers about spiritual truths. Temper my responses to be far more like His than my own.

We are looking at warm weather again today Father. I don't know if it's supposed to be record breaking like the past few days but I am keenly aware of the potential fire danger. I ask Your mercies on those who have lost so much already.

Our hot, dry, windy conditions have had me thinking of what an eternity without You would be like. Brittle. Brutal. Unsavory. Not to my liking at all.

Thank You for sending Your Son to provide the way to life everlasting with You. Thank You for His understanding and answers. Thank You for His obedience and sacrifice. I ask to use His example well this day.

I love You Father. Mind my words and my tone. Use me as You wish. Thank You. I love You. Amen. 
(321 words ~ 7:36 a.m.)

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Thursday, May 15, 2014 (6:43 a.m.)
Blessed Father God,

Thank You. Rest is happening. Fun's been had. Communication is improving. Here I am asking once again for order.

Yes. Order. You provided my needs over the weekend. You allowed me the travel mercies I desperately needed. The time I have enjoyed away from day to day responsibilities has been greatly appreciated. Today I have the opportunity to accomplish what most needs to be done. I am asking Your guidance here.

There is far more work than hours and energy. This is an absolute “first things first” kind of day. I look to You. The One who set the world in place. You created it all methodically. Beginning with the heavens and the earth. Shaping the universe out of nothing.

Thank You that in looking to You I have choices. There is Your Word. Starting with Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning...” all the way to Jesus' promise to return (Revelation 22:20). It's His grace we need to withstand all that goes on in and around us.

Thank You for the Truth and sustenance of Your Word. Thank You for beautiful insights from passages such as Psalms 104,148 and Isaiah 40. Thank You for the opportunity to look outside and see the beauty of Your creation firsthand.

Father. I love You. I could easily jump up and begin working all willy-nilly. I prefer not. I ask You to save me from myself. There is a level of importance that I am missing. To be truthful, it all seems to fall into the 'it can wait' category.

Work in me here Blessed Dad. Work through me. Lay it out that I would truly have a sense of purpose and direction. I don't want to be busy for the sake of busy-ness.

I love You. I long to serve You. And I ask to do it as You wish. Guide me. Direct me. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(324 words ~ 7:46 a.m.)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Memory Lane

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 (6:39 a.m.)
Holy Father God,

Thank You! Thank You for safe travels. Improving communication. Beauty beyond all expectations. Thank You for a soothing walk along the ocean's edge. And a unhurried stroll down memory lane.

Mm. Memory Lane. Childhood. Young adulthood. Old haunts. Thank You Father for the ability to draw up remembrances of the past. Thank You for leading me to the book of Ruth in the process.

Father, there isn't a lot of time this morning. Very young children are on there way here. As I take in the Truth of Your Word. The love one woman shared for You and her mother-in-law. I ask that You continue Your work in me that I would make and keep the commitments You have for me.

I want to live the peace and joy You offer. The Life Recovery Bible states, “Ruth refused to let difficult times determine the outcome of her future.” Thank You that Your great love for each of us will lead us as we are willing to follow.

Ruth set a wonderful example for us when she refused to leave Naomi (Ruth 1:16). “Don't ask me to leave you and turn back. I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.”

Such devotion. Such commitment. I want to love You like that. Keep working in me Father. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(246 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)

Monday, May 12, 2014

continued provision

Monday, May 12, 2014 (6:30 a.m.)
Holy Father,

Thank You. It's someone's birthday today. I'm not sure whose. Thank You for the semi-reminder. Bless whoever it is.

There's more traveling involved today. Traveling in which I will again be the driver. Once more I ask Your travel mercies on our behalf. So far we've been safe and successful. How I ask that would continue being the case.

Thank You Father for the blessings You have bestowed upon us thus far. Safe traveling, wonderful food options, fun company. One last day of household hospitality and then on to another new normal.

Father I am thanking You in advance for what is yet to come. We have vacationing details to work out. A summer swim schedule to plan. Two days of different have made me keenly aware of my absolute dependance on You. Thank You for Your presence.

Thank You for getting us where we've needed to be exactly as we've needed to be there. Again, I ask Your continued provision on our behalf.

Mm, yes. Continued provision.

Bless You Father. The Message tells us to steep our lives (Matthew 6:33) and ourself (Luke 12:31) in Your reality, Your initiative, Your provisions. That is exactly what I am asking this morning. Father, I want to trust You to do in and for, with and through me all that You wish this day.

Thank You for showing me the joy there is to be found in every single day. Thank You for providing us the strength to meet the troubles that may arise. The Life Recovery Bible asserts in a devotional referring to Psalm 118:24, “We, too, can choose to find joy, strength, and sanity when we accept each day's realities.”

As I turn to the verse mentioned, I read those that follow and smile. I smile as I recognize Your continued provision on my behalf. ThankYou Father. Use me well this day. I love You. I thank You. Amen.
(327 words ~ 7:17 a.m.)

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Mother's Day Sunday, May 11, 2014 (6:49 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy, Awesome God,

Thank You! Thank You for safe travels and a dependable spare car. Thank You for meeting and chatting with new to us people.

Thank You for a delightful day spent with a dear friend and beloved son. Thank You for good directions and accurate timing.

Thank You for entertainment and talent. SO much talent!

And now on a far more serious note, thank You for the life and subsequent death of a family member. A wife, mother, friend.

Blessed Father, You know the details behind her drastic weight loss, the radical change in personality. You know the questions, pain and suffering of all involved. I lift them up to You. Asking Your comfort be upon each and every one.

Today, especially this day set aside to honor moms, I pray hearts would turn to You. Hearts needing healing. Hearts.

Yes Father. Hearts. Turning to You.

Luke 2:19 tells us of Mary's heart. It's where she quietly treasured the shepherds' report of the angels' announcing the birth of Your blessed Son. And she thought about these things often.

Father, thank You. It's Mother's Day. You provided each of us with a mom. Let us rejoice in the love You have for all of us. Empower and enable us to use Your love as You originally planned. Wisely and well. For the benefit of others.

I love You. I thank You. I ask Your blessings on those who are hurting. As well as on those who are healing. You are blessed and we are grateful. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen
(272 words ~ 7:34 a.m.)

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Saturday, May 10, 2014 (5:27 a.m.)
Holy Father,

Holy, holy Father God. How I thank You. Prayers on Caleb's behalf seem to have yielded healthy results. He is awake. Responsive. And possibly soon to be moved out of ICU. Thank You Father. Thank You.

Thank You that we get to come before You with our hurts and hopes. Thank You that You know the plans You have for us. Plans for good and not for evil. Plans to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Thank You that our call is to trust You.

Too often I forget that. I fear circumstances. Get tired in the waiting. Attempt to take things into my own hands. It's only when I yield my will to Thy will that I find peace. Thank You for always allowing us to come back around to Your way of thinking.

Love. Forgiveness. Words that appear simple. Until we are faced with unsavory circumstances. Misunderstandings. Grudges. Obstacles that get in the way of Your Truth and holiness.

Thank You that Your will, Your Truth, Your standard never change. Thank You that we get to come back before You again and again knowing, trusting, believing that Your love for each of us far outweighs our sinful choices.

Thank You for the healing You do for our own good. Healing that is sometimes painful. Often in ways we may not understand.

Yesterday I yielded my position. Softened my tone. Spoke Your Word. Turn fully to You. Asked another to pray on my behalf. And You blessed me with laughter. Genuine, didn't-see-it-coming, belly laughs. Thank You Father.

Thank You for Your Word which reminds us, “It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan long before the world began – to show His love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus” (2Timothy 1:9).

Thank You that in turning to this verse I got to read more of and about Paul's last letter. “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lust. Follow anything that makes you want to do right. Pursue faith and love and peace, and enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts” (2:22).

Yes. Yes! Thank You God. “Again I say, don't get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights” (v.23). This would have been handy to remember!

“The Lord's servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone. They must be able to teach effectively and be patient with difficult people” (24). Yes!

“They should gently teach those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will believe the truth” (25). Key word here being, God!

And isn't it exactly like You to do for me what I am unable [often unwilling] to do for myself? Right here in the very next chapter is a statement I made yesterday. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right” (2Timothy 3:16).

The Life Recovery Bible comment for verses 14-17 says, “Paul reminded Timothy of the wonderful resource that God has left us – the Bible. It is the ultimate guide to help us realize what is wrong in our life...” Amen!

I yielded myself to You yesterday when I recognized I was coming to a point of surrender. Thank You for reminding me that we are called to be holy in You. Thank You too for the opportunity to view the word as an acrostic. Honest, Open, Loving, Yielded. Things I have absolutely not been for quite some time.

Thank You that in yielding myself to You, Your peace immediately washed over me. Thank You for the way You work in our lives.

There is much to do these next several days. I am asking Your presence and travel mercies in it all. I love You so very much Dearest Dad. Continue Your work in making more into who You created me to be. Bless You. Praise You. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(708 words ~ 7:20 a.m.)

Friday, May 9, 2014


Friday, May 9, 2014 (7:07 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

It was the husband that reminded me yesterday of Caleb's role in exploring Canaan with the other eleven scouts sent out by Moses (Numbers 13). One man from each of Israel's twelve tribes was selected to explore the land You had originally promised to give Abram's offspring (Genesis 12:7).

Rereading this history has my mind spinning. There were promises. Impatience. Belief. Doubt. Blessings. Discontent. Joy. Grumbling. All overseen by You.

This morning I came looking for the story of Caleb and discovered his name means “bold”. Reading comments in The Life Recovery Bible I learned he was the first (Numbers 13:30) followed later by Joshua (14:6-9) who “emphasized God's power to overcome even the greatest problems.”

The faith had by Caleb and Joshua truly “enabled them to see problems not as obstacles but as opportunities for God to demonstrate His power.” They believed Your promise to rescue Your people from their enemies (10:9).

The comment goes on to refer to this trust in You as “an active faith in God”. Blessed Father that is exactly what I am asking this morning.

A tiny baby's life lies in the balance. A little guy whose name means “bold”. I pray “an active faith in God” for all involved. That active faith which will allow those in charge to capitalize on the positive measures that must be taken in overcoming giants.

Dearest God, I pray for baby Caleb. His loved ones. Those involved in his care. Bless and protect them. Smile on and be gracious to them. Show them Your favor and give them Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

We love You so very much Blessed God and we ask this all in Your Son's most holy name. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(298 words ~ 8:25 a.m.)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Thursday, May 8, 2014 (3:06 p.m.)
Blessed Father God,

Please, please, please, please, PLEASE Father. There is a SICK newborn. A very sick little three week old named Caleb needing Your healing touch.

We trust You Father. We know You. We believe Your promises.

Humbly, I pray Romans 8:26-28 (The Message) to You right now.

“Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

This is scary Father. You already know the outcome.

Bless Caleb and his family Father. You know Your plan for each of them. Your plan that is for good and not for evil. Your plan to give them a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Oh how we ask for healing. A miracle. Your will. The hardest thing of all to say here Blessed Dad is YOUR will over ours. And to ask, PLEASE couldn't Your will be to heal this little guy right now where he is?

We love You so very much. And we are praying, “Please!” Thank You. Amen.
(246 words ~ 3:43 p.m.)


Thursday, May 8, 2014 (6:30 a.m.)
Loving Lord,

Loving, loving Lord. Thank You!

Only You have the power to change my dogged determination from wanting to hurt another to wanting to forgive. I tried to do it on my own and couldn't.

I attempted talking myself out of one behavior and into another. It didn't happen. Not until I fully opened myself up to You, confessing my unwillingness to forgive. Thank You for Your loving, forgiving nature.

Thank You that even though I continue wanting to bring up a negative situation You keep reminding me that You've got this. In due time. I am to wait. Be still. Know that You are God. Trust. You!

Thank You that I get to know You as loving. Thank You that You have provided me the desire to learn more of Your Divine Wisdom (1Corinthians 2 Illustrated Bible Handbook). It truly is You and Your Word that I long to Trust and Obey

Blessed Father, thank You that the further I get away from my will and the closer I get to Yours for me, the more clearly I see that bitter resentment looks nothing like loving kindness. Jesus hung on a cross. Beaten. Scorned.

Is this where I confess to having looked more at my own set of petty circumstances than to Him and His selfless example of genuine love and forgiveness? From the cross “Jesus said, 'Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing'” (Luke 23:34a).

My feelings got hurt and for two nights I held out for an apology that never came. There was no budging toward forgiveness on either part. A stalemate.

Ah, but You can do in and through, with and for us that which we cannot do by ourselves. You soften hearts. Remind us. Prick our conscience. Thank You.

Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8) to our own devices. In my own strength and power I am unable to remember even that.

Thank You that You are so much greater than any of us. Thank You for again guiding me into and through Your Word. Thank You for every single reminder You offer. Thank You for forgiving my refusal of said offers.

Thank You for Paul's words to the people of Corinth (1Corinthians 2:2) that help me remember what I too easily forget. “You may as well know now that it was my secret determination to concentrate entirely on Jesus Christ and the fact of His death upon the cross” (J.B. Phillips New Testament).

What a perfect antidote for the perils of self pity! Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Continue Your blessed work in making us more and more like You. I love You. I need You. I want You. Use me. Well. To Your good and to Your glory. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(474 words ~ 8:24 a.m.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

practicing gratitude

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 (6:53 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

I come before You this morning with the desire of practicing gratitude. I haven't done a very good job of it the last two days. Horrendous pride got in my way.

A mistake was made. Details of a master plan not communicated. Blame assessed and accepted. Apologies given. Yet bitter resentment took on a life of its own.

Forgive me Father. I am the hold out here. Rather than simply let go of my feeling of being shamed, I built a wall of silence on its foundation. So here I sit. Quiet. Alone. I didn't experience mercy and grace from another so I stopped offering it as well.

Not Your best for us. Never Your best.

And here comes another wave of guilt and shame. This time not from another. I confess I knew what I was doing at the time. My feelings were tired and hurt. I didn't want to continue being loving and kind. So I cut all attempts of communication.

And here I sit still physically alone. Only with You reminding me of 1Corinthians 13:4-7. I don't want to think of the mess I made out of not forgiving another their unforgiveness of me.

The war taking place inside of me this very minute is real. The tears attest to the struggle. I know what You would have me do. I also recognize the pride that is keeping me from doing it. I willing gave a foot hold to the devil (Ephesians 4:27).

It doesn't matter how justified I felt at the time, I've now let the sun go down on my anger (v. 26) twice in a row.

As I sit here before You knowing how right You are I thank You for the opportunity to confess my stubbornness. Forgive me Father for I truly have sinned! I find myself in a state of sadness and disrepair. This is not just a wall of silence. There is something far deeper going on.

I seem to have a gunny sack of past slights and hurts I could so easily start slinging. These are things I thought had long been put away. You know, as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12).

Thank You that with each verse I've sought this morning another one comes up as well. Isaiah 43:25 reminds me that it is You who blots out our sins for Your own sake “and will never think of them again.” You are God. I am not. I'm going to keep stumbling!

Thank You that Ephesians 4:26 pointed me over to Psalm 4:4. There's a part of me that wants to jump up and say, “See? I really did do the right thing!” The Voice uses these words to present Your Truth, “Think long; think hard. When you are angry, don't let it carry you into sin. When night comes, in calm be silent.”

I think the key words for me here are “in calm”. There truly are parts of me that are calm in this present situation. But at the very same time I am reminded again and again that You know my heart. You see what is truly going on inside me. No matter how hard I pretend otherwise. You know it all!

Thank You that You do. Thank You that I get to come before You. Practicing.

Because Your Truth is written so perfectly in Your Word, I get to come to it and be reminded that keeping a record of wrongs done to me is not love (1Corinthians 13:5). Neither is being rude, impatient and unkind.

Blessed Father, thank You that You don't love us based on our own merit. Your grace covers us when our [MY] own stupidity seems to reign supreme.

As I prepare to go out into this day, practicing gratitude, protect me from myself. My own worse enemy. I love You Father. Forgive me for behaving badly. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(665 words ~ 8:56 a.m.)

Monday, May 5, 2014


Monday, May 5, 2014 (7:05 a.m.)
Thank You God,

Thank You for the gift of Your presence! My first thought this morning was the direct opposite of a word I used yesterday.

Today, rather than thinking of being absent from You I chose instead to consider being present with You. The word present made me think of gifts. And again I considered how blessed we are by the gift of Your presence.

Father, You are so extremely patient with us. You provide. Shower. Bless. Equip. Give. Offer. Present us with opportunities. We don't always make good decisions.

Thank You Father, that even here my thoughts are going one way and You bring me back to read again of the Israelites. Numbers 13 and 14 tell of Your chosen people being afraid, grumbling and rebelling. I read their story and am reminded of how easily those are still my go to responses. Thank You for Your work that reminds me not to stay stuck in my own way of doing things.

Thank You for Your words to Moses which he pled back to You on behalf of Your people. “I am the Lord. I am slow to get angry [patient]. I am full of love. I forgive those who sin. I forgive those who refuse to obey” (Numbers 14:18a). A wonderful description. I find a lot of hope in considering those words.

It's what comes next that has me wanting to toe Your line. “But I do not let guilty people go without punishing them. I punish the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for the sin of their parents” (18b). Not something I want to have happen because of my own doing.

I experienced Your work on my behalf the other night. They were words coming out of my own mouth. A bit of misunderstanding could have easily escalated to misery. In the past it would have. Two sets of feet would have stubbornly planted themselves, unwilling to budge.

But You intervened. I heard You. The explanation I wanted to give completely fell away with these words. “There are few things in this world I care passionately enough to fight you on. This is not one of them. You were right. I'll stay out of it.”

What? Me walk away from a potentially heated confrontation?

And right here, the gift of Your presence supplies my answer. Proverbs 15:1. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.”

Father, thank You. Thank You for leading me. Guiding me. Infusing me with Your goodness and Your grace that I could actually LIVE Your Word in that moment without even thinking about it. It came automatically. Not my usual. And so wonderfully appreciated!

I ask You to use us well this day. There is much to be done in preparation of celebrating the anniversary of a precious birth tomorrow. Guide us. Direct us. Make us able to discern the things You deem necessary. Teach us Your first things and empower us to do them.

How I thank You for the work You are doing in and through, with and for us. And I ask You to continue making us into the people You would have us be. Loving. Patient. Kind... (1Corinthians 13:4-7).

Thank You for loving us Lord and allowing us to be present with You in our hearts, souls and mind. Thank You. We love You. Use us. Amen.

(566 words ~ 9:00 a.m.)


Sunday, May 4, 2014 (8:11 a.m.)
Good morning. Hello. Hi.

It's been awhile. We've been busy. Gone. Lazy. Absent. There's the word. I've been absent from here, but not from You.

God's Truth

Thursday, May 1, 2014 (7:46 a.m.)
Las Vegas, NV
May? How is it already May?

Blessed God, thank You. Thank You for another month. Thank You for another trip. Thank You for the love You have for us that keeps us coming back to You for more.

Thank You for the fun we had yesterday. And a little extra money to go along with it. I have to admit, I very much enjoyed winning $5.00 here and $10.00 there!

Thank You too for this husband who cares so much about pleasing me. A room with a pool view. Favorite snacks. A trip to the movies.

So with this thankful, grateful heart, where shall we go together in Your Word this morning? The words 'value' and 'treasure' keep coming into play. And with them verses that remind us of the importance of putting people before things.

I've asked You for years to make me a good steward. Yet I fight practically every opportunity You provide me to give. I count my cost. I hedge. Resist. Attempt to rationalize my decisions. Keep working in me Blessed Dad.

Your Word tells us repeatedly how much You love and value us. We are to trust You to meet our every need. I've seen You provide for us before. And it is truly awesome! Still I confess to being afraid of making mistakes. Maybe I won't hear You correctly. Perhaps I will be too reckless and impulsive. Fear. There it is. Impending doom. That's my truth.

Thank You that we have YOUR Truth to compare it to!

Yes. Lead me in Your Truth this day. Guide my choices. The decisions You would have me make. Keep working in and through, with and for me. Continue all it is that You must do to make me the good steward You would have me be. Free me of the fear I have about choosing incorrectly.

You are good. You are righteous. You are our All-in-All.

I want to serve You. To please You. To represent You well. To share. Freely. Abundantly. Without cowering at the thought of counting the cost.

Work in me Blessed God. Work through me. Teach me to truly be “generous and willing to share” (1Timothy 6:17-21 Illustrated Bible Handbook).

Yes. Please! And here's that word again. “By doing this [giving generously] they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life” (v.19).

“Take hold of real life.” Keep working. Guiding. Directing. Helping me along to this end. “The chief end of mankind is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Make it so Dearest God.

We have a soon to be 10 month old just learning to walk. We watch him start. Stop. Teeter. Totter. Wiggle. Wobble. Fall. Even cry. Yet each time he gets up and starts all over again. Unafraid. Confident. Let me take a lesson from this little child. Do all You must in making me into the woman You would have me be. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(520 words ~ 9:39 a.m.)